Fundraise Set up a fundraising page Set up a fundraising page Donate Fundraise How to set up a JustGiving Fundraising Page It's quick and easy to set up a Fundraising Page. Just follow the steps below: Create an account or log into your account and click ‘Start Fundraising'. When asked 'Are you fundraising for a registered charity?', select 'Yes, continue' Search for the James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Let JustGiving know whether you're taking part in an event, celebrating an occasion, fundraising in memory or doing your own thing If you can't see your event listed, select ‘Add your own’ at the bottom of the page and tell JustGiving a bit more about your activity Choose your web address – this is the link you’ll be sharing with friends and family when asking them to donate Tick 'Yes' if you're running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction. Donations to your Page won't be eligible for Gift Aid. Find out more here Click ‘Create your page’. Job done! Your Fundraising Page is now set up and ready to accept donations which will be sent directly to the James Paget Why fundraise online? Online fundraising has grown massively in the past few years. If you’re looking to be a successful fundraiser, a page online where friends, family, colleagues – and even strangers who’ve been touched by your cause – can donate is essential. You can share your page on your social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and email it to friends and family to ensure that as many people as possible see what you’re doing for the Paget. It makes giving easy for you and for those who donate and if you’re a UK taxpayer, you can automatically reclaim at least 25 per cent in Gift Aid on your donation at no additional cost to you. Manage Cookie Preferences